RainSoft of Madison - Environmental Water Systems Inc.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
RainSoft of Madison - Why Can't I Rinse the Soap Off and Other Water Answers
RainSoft of Madison, an authorized RainSoft Dealer.
Why can't I rinse the soap off my hands?
Why is our porcelain sink stained brown?
Why does my water smell like rotten eggs?
Rotten-egg smell?
A few tenths of a milligram of hydrogen sulfide per liter can cause drinking water to have a rotten-egg odor.
Water containing hydrogen sulfide can have an odor that is objectionable (and the water may taste really bad), but generally the water is not harmful to health. However, odors can be caused by other constituents as well, so you may want to call your local Health Department and mention the odor to them. The best way to find out what is in your water is to have the water tested by a state certified laboratory. A list of these labs is available from your State Certification Officer.
More Q&A about water from the USGS
RainSoft Water Conditioning Systems
RainSoft water conditioning and water softening systems soften and polish the water used throughout your home. Soaps and shampoos rinse out more completely, leaving skin and hair cleaner and more residue free. Water conditioners allow you to use less soap, and your water-using appliances will last longer without that scale build-up present in hard water.Many RainSoft water conditioning systems incorporate our proprietary EC4 technology. This smart control water softening system actually learns how your family uses water, saving you money in water consumption and salt usage.
EC4 and TC Series Water Conditioners
Both of our premium series of water conditioners are available in many designs with various features that support and meet any consumer needs. Each design series is built to last a lifetime, and carries the RainSoft limited lifetime warranty. Both home water filtration systems can be found at a RainSoft dealer near you.
The EC4 water conditioning systems are computer controlled and come equipped with a smart-feature microprocessor controller that is able to process thousands of computations per second.
TC Series water conditioner systems soften, condition and filter out the main components that make up hard water. These water softeners are also powered by an energy saving, low-voltage electrical system.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
RainSoft of Madison - Tips From the CDC to Keep Your Water Safe After a Disaster
RainSoft of Madison- an authorized RainSoft Dealer
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Water Safety Tips After an Emergency from the CDC
Safe Drinking Water
After an emergency, especially after flooding, drinking water may not be available or safe to drink for personal use. Do not use water you suspect or have been told is contaminated to wash dishes, brush your teeth, wash and prepare food, make ice, or make baby formula.
Note: Caffeinated drinks and alcohol dehydrate the body, which increases the need for drinking water.
Floods and other disasters can damage drinking water wellsand lead to aquifer and well contamination. Flood waters can contaminate well water with livestock waste, human sewage, chemicals, and other contaminants which can lead to illness when used for drinking, bathing, and other hygiene activities.
Before an emergency or a temporary problem with a community water system, a community drinking water treatment facility should have an emergency plan in the event that service is disrupted. Water treatment facilities monitor drinking water to meet federal and state regulations.
Make Water Safe
Water often can be made safe to drink by boiling, adding disinfectants, or filtering.
IMPORTANT: Water contaminated with fuel or toxic chemicals will not be made safe by boiling or disinfection. Use a different source of water if you know or suspect that water might be contaminated with fuel or toxic chemicals.
If you don’t have safe bottled water, you should boil water to make it safe. Boiling is the surest method to make water safer to drink by killing disease-causing organisms, including viruses, bacteria, and parasites.
You can improve the flat taste of boiled water by pouring it from one container to another and then allowing it to stand for a few hours, OR by adding a pinch of salt for each quart or liter of boiled water.
If the water is cloudy,
- Filter it through a clean cloth, paper towel, or coffee filter OR allow it to settle.
- Draw off the clear water.
- Bring the clear water to a rolling boil for one minute (at elevations above 6,500 feet, boil for three minutes).
- Let the boiled water cool.
- Store the boiled water in clean sanitized containers with tight covers.
If the water is clear,
- Bring the clear water to a rolling boil for one minute (at elevations above 6,500 feet, boil for three minutes).
- Let the boiled water cool.
- Store the boiled water in clean sanitized containers with tight covers.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Aging Water System Increases Drinking Water Hazards
Face the facts: Drinking water contamination a concern
By Elizabeth Harvey | Face the Facts, Health
When we turn on the tap most of us assume that what comes out is safe to drink. It’s an advantage of living in a first world country where our cities’ water is carefully monitored and our rural areas are regularly checked for contaminants. However, according to George Washington University’s Face the Facts initiative, drinking water contamination is a reality. Each year, 850 billion gallons of wastewater enter the U.S. public drinking water supply because of aging or inadequate water systems. That’s equivalent to 13.6 trillion eight-ounce glasses.
The EPA says U.S water systems need $500 billion in maintenance and new capital investment by 2020. So what does that mean for us?
According to the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service there are four general groups of contaminants that can end up in our water: microbial pathogens (bacteria, parasites and viruses), organics (pesticides, solvents, degreasers, and trihalomthanes), inorganics (heavy metals and other compounds), and radioactive elements. Generally speaking, many of these contaminants are found in our average drinking water, but they are in such a minute dose that the water is considered safe to drink by the EPA.
The Centers for Disease Control have identified a number of diseases that are possible through contaminated water in public water systems. The number one health issue associated with drinking contaminated water is campylobacteriosis. It is an infectious disease caused by bacteria that may be found in public water sources. It causes diarrhea, cramping, abdominal pain and fever within two to five days of exposure and typically these symptoms may last up to a week. This disease can also be life threatening in people with compromised immune systems (such as the very young or the very old).
Other health concerns from drinking contaminated water include E. coli, hepatitis A, and salmonella all of which can be life threatening if untreated or undiagnosed.
It’s not just our drinking water that is at risk. Those same contaminants in our drinking water can wreak havoc on our crops. The U.S. National Library of Medicine has researched the effects of using contaminated water on crops and these studies showed high levels of microbial contamination in vegetables irrigated with wastewater.
While the United States enjoys some of the safest water in the world, the effects of these billions of gallons of wastewater entering our public water supply can impact the quality of fruits and vegetables across the entire country. Even for those whose water is safe.
Testing the quality of your water has never been easier though. Most major hardware stores (like Lowe’s or Home Depot) offer water testing clinics or provide kits that allow consumers to test the quality of their home water for themselves. These may be necessary investments in the future if the treatment of our wastewater does not become a more pressing concern.
Home Water Filters and Problem Solving
No matter what your water quality problem or concern, you can rely on RainSoft to have the right solution to help you solve it. Bad tastes and odors caused by chlorine, low pH, sediment, iron, sulfur, manganese, you name the problem. Your RainSoft dealer can provide the solution.
RainSoft of Madison
535 Myatt Dr Ste 300
Madison, TN 37115
Madison, TN 37115
Phone: (615) 860-0828
RainSoft of Madison, an authorized RainSoft Dealer.
Or Locate a RainSoft Dealer near you.
Find out what people in your area are saying about RainSoft at RainSoft Reviews
Thursday, September 13, 2012
What's in Your Drinking Water? It May Be Other People's Prescription Drugs
Prescription Drugs in Drinking Water
Reporter: Shannon Kantner | WILX.COM
Germs on a water fountain are no surprise, but what about drugs in the water?
"Most meds when they are taken are not completely absorbed by the body, they pass through unchanged," said Ron Melaragni, Adminstrative Director for Sparrow Pharmacy Plus. "They get into the water supply and cause pollution, even if it's minor."
In addition, there's the commonly held belief that people are supposed to flush leftover prescriptions down the toilet. Over the years that practice has taken its toll on wildlife, including fish with three eyes and two sets of reproductive organs, according to some studies.
"There is a lot of evidence that speaks to the residuals being in the receiving waters of the United States and the local community here," said Chad Gamble, Director of Public Service for the City of Lansing. "Now they're at very, very low levels, but we want to be on the front end of that. We want to be able to protect the environment."
Gamble said most waste water treatment facilities, including Lansing's, can't remove every leftover drug particle. That makes initiatives like the third annual Medication Disposal Event at the Capitol on Tuesday especially important.
"It's a source control issue, which is inviting people to take a little bit more time out of their day to dispose of their drugs when they're done using them in a safe and
This year more than 579 pounds of unwanted or expired medication was collected, which amounts to about $1 million worth.
At this point, experts say the flushing method hasn't made drinking water dangerous for humans yet. "But if this process continues, who knows what could happen," Melaragni said. "So, it's important to do it the right way, so it doesn't get in the water supply."
If you missed the Capitol's disposal event, there is a national one happening Sept. 29. There's also a new kit on the market that will soon be on pharmacy shelves for use in the home. It's just a little black plastic bag filled with a substance when mixed with warm water, neutralizes prescriptions - up to 45 pills or 6 ounces of liquid medicine can fit in it. Once it's mixed, you seal it, and throw it in the trash.
Pharmacisits also recommend using kitty litter or coffee grounds in a container with the prescriptions and dispose of them that way.
The Ingham County Sheriff's Office recently added a bin in their lobby where anyone can drop off old pills free of charge during normal business hours.
Questions About What's in Your Water - RainSoft Has Answers
RainSoft Water Facts
Maximum Contaminant Level Goals vs. Maximum Contaminant Levels
The environment has changed a lot in the last fifty years. Manufacturing and agricultural activities, along with our growing population, add an enormous amount of potentially hazardous materials to our environment.
As a result, the U.S. Environmental Agency (EPA) and others have detected more than 700 different organic compounds in treated drinking-water supplies.
To read more about water facts and contaminants go to RainSoft Water Facts.
To Request a Free In-Home Water Test visit RainSoft of Madison Water Test.
535 Myatt Dr Ste 300
Madison, TN 37115
Madison, TN 37115
Phone: (615) 860-0828
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To read what people are saying about RainSoft, check out RainSoft Reviews.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
You May Have Indoor Air Pollution. Here's What to Do.
Indoor Air Quality: Protect Your Home From the Unseen
from inlandvalleynews.com(StatePoint) With so many people now optimizing their living spaces for energy efficiency, the risk for indoor air pollution in homes can actually increase, say experts, as pollutants can get trapped indoors as a result.
Clean air inside your home is vital. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), exposure to air pollutants can cause health problems, including respiratory disease, heart disease and cancer.
Here are steps you can take to protect your family from these risks:
Many sources of air pollution are preventable. Start by ensuring no one smokes inside, as secondhand smoke contains nicotine, toxic chemicals and carcinogenic agents.Take care of water leaks immediately to prevent mold and mildew from forming around your home. Also, take steps to reduce indoor humidity. The EPA and the Department of Energy are offering tips on how to do so at www.EnergyStar.gov.
If your home was built between 1930 and 1950, it was likely insulated with asbestos. Make sure these materials are in good condition, as damaged asbestos could release harmful fibers into your home. Hire a professional to seal, cover or remove damaged material.
Emissions from gas stoves can worsen asthma. If anyone in your household suffers from asthma, consider replacing your gas stove with an electric one.
Choose safe household cleaners that don’t contain harsh chemicals. Organic and non-toxic products can do the same job as traditional products, without irritating your eyes, nose and throat.
No matter how many steps you take to prevent indoor air pollution, your home is subject to inevitable sources of pollutants. Proper mechanical ventilation is your best defense.“Continuous ventilation at a low speed not only takes minimal wattage to run, but it also significantly improves the indoor air quality of your entire home by exhausting hidden pollution, such as allergens, mildew, mold and more,” says Anita So, Marketing Manager at Panasonic Eco Solutions North America.
Although most consumers are aware of the need for ventilation in areas prone to high-humidity like bathrooms, an entire air-tight home can benefit from eliminating mold, mildew, moisture, volatile organic compounds and other invisible vapors.
First, check to see if your ventilation fans are working properly. If the bathroom mirror steams up after a hot shower or bath, it is time to replace or install a ventilation fan.
Click to read the original article.
Phone: (615) 860-0828
RainSoft Has Indoor Air Quality Solutions
RainSoft air purification systems treat the entire home, not just one room. Our systems mount directly into the ductwork of your home, providing cleaner, fresher air throughout the entire house. With advanced UV light and ozone lamp technology, the AirMaster Ultra system eliminates airborne contaminants in your home.RainSoft of Madison
535 Myatt Dr Ste 300
Madison, TN 37115
Madison, TN 37115
Phone: (615) 860-0828
Or locate a RainSoft Dealer near you.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Water Quality Still Important During Water Shortages of Drought
Water Quality as important as quantity, even during drought
Arkansas Division of Agriculture | Updated: July 31, 2012
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – As Arkansas’ drought deepens, many are finding that “you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone,” said John Pennington, Washington County extension agent for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture.
Exceptional and severe drought in parts of Arkansas have left some communities without water and have prompted some water systems to put water-use restrictions in place as reservoirs and other waterways become more shallow by the day.
“Water users in northwestern Arkansas are faring a little better, with lake levels that are still at 90 percent full,” Pennington said. “However, the longer we go without 9-23 or so inches of soaking rainfall across the state between now and September to end the drought, a lot more may be mandated to restrict some water uses.
“It’s a strange concept, to go without water, especially so when water is essential to so many things in life as we know it and it’s a resource we take for granted,” he said. “Without enough water we can’t produce food crops, forage for grazing animals, survive, or much less water our lawns.”
However, even at time when water quantity is of prime importance, water quality still matters.
“In times like these, I can certainly understand the perspective of some our neighbors in the western U.S., who think ‘who cares about water quality, when you don’t have enough water quantity?” Pennington said.
“As the pressure mounts on our water supplies, so does the pressure to preserve its quality,” he said. “This means protecting our water as much as we can by tackling the things that can degrade our water quality, including not over-fertilizing our lawns, properly disposing of trash such as cigarette butts, and using other best management practices to prevent runoff from washing pollutants it into the waterways and reservoirs here in the Natural State.”
Pennington said that “as soon as the rains come back and begin to fill the wells and drinking reservoirs around the state, we’ll all be wanting our drinking, fishing, and swimming water to be of high quality.”
To preserve both quality and quantity, many Arkansans are implementing voluntary measures.
For example, some aren’t watering the lawn anymore because they see it as a waste of water or too costly.
Mike Daniels, Extension water quality specialist for the U of A Division of Agriculture said: “I won’t water my lawn with treated water, because treated water has is too high of a quality for that use.”
RainSoft Has Home Water Treatment Systems
With two premium drinking water systems, RainSoft water treatment delivers a higher quality and better tasting drinking water experience. Not only will the water from a RainSoft drinking water system in your glass taste distinctly better, but so will all of the food and beverages you make with it.Contact your local RainSoft Dealer for more information.
RainSoft of Madison
Phone: (615) 860-0828
Fax: (615) 860-0276
535 Myatt Dr Ste 300
Madison, TN 37115
Madison, TN 37115
Phone: (615) 860-0828
Fax: (615) 860-0276
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